Between Thought and Expression

An eclectic guide to life's musical journey.

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Sunday, October 27, 2013

R.I.P. Lou Reed

R.I.P. Lou Reed

"The world has lost a fine songwriter and poet…I’ve lost my ‘school-yard buddy’" - John Cale

DJMonsterMo | 6:35 PM | 0 Comments

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Big Boi – Lines (feat. A$AP Rocky & Phantogram)(MP3), New Yo La Tengo - Before We Run (video)

Big Boi – LinesBig Boi – Lines (feat. A$AP Rocky & Phantogram)(MP3)
While we won't have another Outkast album, next month comes the next best thing, Big Boi's follow-up to 'Sir Lucious Left Foot'.  Big Boi says Andre 3000 is not on the album because he's too busy doing Gillette commercials.

Yo La Tengo - Before We Run video Yo La Tengo - Before We Run (video)
Excited for the new album, 'Fade', due January 15, and their new tour.

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DJMonsterMo | 8:00 PM | 0 Comments

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Kurt Cobain's Top 50 Albums, Beach House - Wild (video), Phantogram - Don't Move (video), Infinite Jukebox

Kurt Cobain's Top 50 Albums
Kurt Cobain's Handwritten Top 50 Albums List
Interesting to see Public Enemy and The Slits on this list. The Vaselines, David Bowie, and Leadbelly are listed and are well known to fans as they were also covered on the Unpluggged album. Black Flag is the only group to make the list twice.

Beach House - Wild video Beach House - Wild
New, depressing video from Beach House. Possibly NSFW.

Phantogram - Don't Move video Phantogram - Don't Move
Official video comes nearly a year after the release of what is still their best song. Features a girl who reminds me vaguely of Carrie plus the cube from Mulholland Drive.

The Infinite Jukebox
The most fun I've had with a web music program since The Wub Machine. Unfortunately, it only works in Google Chrome. Part of a series of projects introduced at MIT's Music Hack Day this past weekend.

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DJMonsterMo | 9:48 PM | 0 Comments

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Why Doesn't MTV Play Music Videos Anymore? (video), Watch Mitt Romney's Facebook Likes Decrease in Real Time

Why Doesn't MTV Play Music Videos Anymore? video Why Doesn't MTV Play Music Videos Anymore?
Ok, I'm sorry I asked.

Disappearing Romney: Watch Mitt Romney's Facebook Likes Decrease in Real Time

Are humans becoming less intelligent?
A look at YouTube comments suggests the answer is yes.


DJMonsterMo | 12:01 AM | 0 Comments

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sky Ferreira - Everything is Embarrassing (video), Terrence Malice Austin film, Forthcoming MBV Album?

 video Sky Ferreira - Everything is Embarrassing
I'm not sure when I'll get sick of her. Move over Lana Del Ray.

Pitchfork reports on a mysterious Terrence Malick film set in Austin.

Tell me if you've heard this one before: Kevin Shields Says a New My Bloody Valentine Album Will Be Out This Year.

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DJMonsterMo | 1:11 AM | 0 Comments

Saturday, May 05, 2012



Still hard to collect my thoughts and write a worthy tribute. Here are some remembrances from around the web.

Beastie Boys


Eminem, Nas, Chuck D, LL Cool J, Common,, Justin Timberlake, Q-Tip, and others

Santigold, B Real, Major Lazer, Ice T, Duran Duran, Biz Markie, and others

Sasha Frere-Jones



DJMonsterMo | 1:28 PM | 1 Comment

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Samuel Barber - Adagio for Strings, op.11
Albert Hall, London, Sept. 15, 2001.

DJMonsterMo | 1:17 PM | 3 Comments