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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Kurt Cobain's Top 50 Albums, Beach House - Wild (video), Phantogram - Don't Move (video), Infinite Jukebox

Kurt Cobain's Top 50 Albums
Kurt Cobain's Handwritten Top 50 Albums List
Interesting to see Public Enemy and The Slits on this list. The Vaselines, David Bowie, and Leadbelly are listed and are well known to fans as they were also covered on the Unpluggged album. Black Flag is the only group to make the list twice.

Beach House - Wild video Beach House - Wild
New, depressing video from Beach House. Possibly NSFW.

Phantogram - Don't Move video Phantogram - Don't Move
Official video comes nearly a year after the release of what is still their best song. Features a girl who reminds me vaguely of Carrie plus the cube from Mulholland Drive.

The Infinite Jukebox
The most fun I've had with a web music program since The Wub Machine. Unfortunately, it only works in Google Chrome. Part of a series of projects introduced at MIT's Music Hack Day this past weekend.

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DJMonsterMo | 9:48 PM |
