Paris Hilton engaged, Coldplay X&Y leaked, Free your iPod from iTunes!, more
- Paris Hilton engaged to shipping heir named Paris
I hope someone can come up with a good joke for this. - Coldplay X&Y has been leaked.
Sorry, won't provide the link.
Ok, in light of the info in the comments, it appears these are actually 64k .wma previews that have been made available.
Listen to ithere.
- Wired News: IPod Plug-In Sets Music Free
The plug-in, called ml_iPod, allows iPod users to bypass iTunes and manage music collections in Winamp instead...Fisher and other developers programmed a slew of features, including the ability to synch multiple iPods with Winamp, create smart playlists and -- the most useful option -- the ability to copy songs from an iPod onto a hard drive.
- Yahoo Music Unlimited hacked?
- Whales 'remix' each other's songs
- NYT: What Happened to Compromise?
- Success and Motivation - You only have to be right once!
Inspiration from Mark Cuban.