Silversun Pickups - Kissing Families (video), 25 Most Schocking Movie Moments, Google Base, more
Silversun Pickups - Kissing Families (wmv video)
Kinda weird video. Levitation, burning grilled cheese, lead singer with a black eye...what's up with that. And, omg, listen from 3:20 on...the coolest guitar fuzz-to-cello transition I can remember hearing in a while, not that that's encountered that often. Here's their myspace.
Premiere Magazine presents The 25 Most Shocking Moments in Movie History
I don't know about you, but I found Pulp Fiction's Marcellus Wallace ass-pounding scene to be more shocking than that Reservoir Dogs scene.
Google trying to take over territory held be eBay and Craigslist?
Screenshot here
Wtf? Turner Classic Movies plans Miyazaki showcase. Well, that's cool!