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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Did Apple Sabotage ROKR?, Paris Hilton loses video camera, CDs infected with Sony rootkit, more

  • Did Apple purposely sabotage ROKR?
    The allegations aren't aren't far-fetched when you consider how ROKR and MP3 cell phone failure would drive market share to the iPod.

  • Paris Hilton loses her video camera at a club.
    Sorry, Paris, but whatever happens as a result of this, you get what you deserve.

  • List of CDs infected with Sony rootkit.
    I hope (for musical reasons, not rootkit reasons) you don't own any of those CDs.

  • Bill Gates expresses concern in leaked e-mails over keeping up with wave of Internet services.

  • This Something Awful flash has been making the rounds: eBaum's World sucks. There is content stealing, and then there is content stealing. Glad they're getting called out.

  • The Daily Show's Lewis Black recruited by The Weather Channel?!?

  • This dude seeks to trade a paperclip for...a house.
    He's already up to a 1000 watt generator. If this works, maybe we should all retire and figure out the next viral bloggable fad. [via BB]

  • BBC Radio's experimental audio-tagging project.
    Trying to make a Flickr out of audio. Pretty neat stuff.

DJMonsterMo | 2:03 PM |


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