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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Pitchfork Day 2

Pitchfork is sold out. My friend told me there weren't many scalpers and they don't allow re-entry. He told me The Walkmen and The Futureheads were great. Sucks for me since I didn't get tickets. Then, I heard my friend's girlfriend had an early flight out of O'Hare. Too bad for him, but great for me because I can buy a ticket off her. Yay! Hopefully, I can get close enough to take some decent pics. Fellow bloggers/readers, look for me in a green Darth Vader Threadless shirt. And my friend looks like he belongs in an indie band.

Unfortunately, I missed day 1 after having to work 32 hours straight at the hospital. Neither work nor weather will hold me down today though.


DJMonsterMo | 3:12 PM |
