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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

RIP Syd Barrett, New Talib Kweli, Funny Zidane Headbutt Animations

    rip syd barrett
  • RIP Syd Barrett
    Pink Floyd Co-Founder Syd Barrett Dies At 60
    Was it LSD or schizophrenia that led to his bizarre behavior? Maybe a combination of both, though we'll never know what made Syd Barrett tick. His legacy to psychedelic rock is the brilliant "Piper at the Gates of Dawn" and his perplexing solo albums. I'll never forget the first time I heard 'Astronomy Domine', probably my favorite pre-Meddle Pink Floyd song.

  • talib kweli mp3 Talib Kweli - What I Feel
    Funky new song from Talib Kweli (from a forthcoming soundtrack, not from last year's album). [via]

  • zidane headbutt animation  video Hilarious compilation of Zidane headbutt animations [via].

    The circumstances surrounding the Zidane headbutt aren't so benign. But at least people can have fun with the image itself.

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DJMonsterMo | 10:21 PM |


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