Between Thought and Expression

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip - Thou Shalt Always Kill (video), CocoRosie (MP3), Air (MP3), more

  • dan le sac vs. scroobius pip thou salt always kill video Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip - Thou Shalt Always Kill
    Introducing this year's "Technologic". Already #1 on the UK Cool Cuts Chart. Out 4/2 on iTunes. Check Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip's myspace

    The Beatles… Were just a band.
    Led Zeppelin… Just a band.
    The Beach Boys… Just a band.
    The Sex Pistols… Just a band.
    The Clash… Just a band.
    Crass… Just a band.
    Minor Threat… Just a band.
    The Cure… Just a band.
    The Smiths… Just a band.
    Nirvana… Just a band.
    The Pixies… Just a band.
    Oasis… Just a band.
    Radiohead… Just a band.
    Bloc Party… Just a band.
    The Arctic Monkeys… Just a band.
    The Next Big Thing… Just a band.

  • cocorosie rainbowarriors mp3 CocoRosie - Rainbowarriors
    I've never really gotten into CocoRosie before, but I must admit that I absolutely love this tune. It's like Buffalo Daughter meets Animal Collective and This Mortal Coil. Beautiful.

  • air once upon a time mp3 Air - Once Upon A Time
    If you embarked on a road trip to nowhere with an old lover, this song would provide the soundtrack. It's elegiac, mysterious electronic bliss.

  • BeatBots are mini robots that dance and may even be useful in encouraging kids to dance too. Check out the first video; the bot dances to Spoon's "I Turn My Camera On". I can't wait to buy one!

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DJMonsterMo | 7:05 PM | 1 Comment

Dizzee Rascal - P*ssyhole, Lily Allen- Smile (mark ronson remix), El Perro Del Mar (video), more

    Sorry for the extreme lull in posting. Deovting time to super-sick cancer patients superseded blogging activities. But I'm back now. It's not a coincidence that as the weather is starting to warm up, the concert schedule in Chicago is heating up as well. I am desperately trying to find tix for Neko Case and Matt Pond PA tonight. Time to scour craigslist.

    dizzee rascal pussyhole mp3
  • Fader seems to be the only legit place to hear Dizzee Rascal's tactfully titled "dizzee rascal pussyhole mp3 P*ssyhole". Everyone else has been hated on with a DMCA notice, so no, I'm not going there. The early refrain goes "Don't let me get old school"; I guess he means like pre-feminism. I am feelin' the re-worked Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock beat though. Hint: If you view the page source for the above link, you can figure out how to download the file. No luck with hype machine? You can try technorati.

  • A laid-back, summery re-interpretation of Lily Allen's Smile: lily allen smile mark ronson mp3 Lily Allen featuring Wale - Smile (mark ronson DC remix)

  • el perro del mar i found a reason video El Perro Del Mar - I Found a Reason
    If you love the Velvet Underground as much I do, you might enjoy this lovely cover from El Perro Del Mar.

  • New Deerhoof video! deerhoof the perfect me video Deerhoof - The Perfect Me (video)

  • My favorite Magnetic Fields song further solidifies its #1 position: I Guess I'm Floating has Arcade Fire's cover of Born on a Train. I very much prefer the original, but this isn't bad.

  • The 10 Most Magnificent Trees in the World.
    Really, it's a lot more interesting than you'd think.

  • Incubus
    The second feature-length film filmed in Esperanto, and starring William Shatner! Thought to be destroyed, a copy re-emerged (to the chagrin of all involved) and has now been re-released.

  • Some 7 Elevens will change into real Kwik-E-Marts for the Simpsons movie. Pretty clever tie-in.

  • Goldfish live in a deep fat fryer
    What will those wacky Japanese think of next?

  • How do you get from NY to Dublin?
    Google Maps tells you to "Swim across the Atlantic Ocean 3,462 mi"

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DJMonsterMo | 12:00 PM | 0 Comments