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Monday, February 28, 2005

New Fiona Apple

Looks like Fluxblog beat me to the punch. The sites/mirrors below have a few more tunes to sample. These links are to material that was shelved from Fiona's album "Extraordinary Machine," which was supposed to be released in 2003 but has been deep-sixed by Sony.
A Seattle radio station has played some of her new tracks, adding three tracks to the two that have already been leaked. Fiona takes a new direction with her piano alt-rock: the funky and energetic "Get Him Back", the string-enhanced "Not About Love", the dark bell-tinged "Used to Love", the playful cabaret Bjork(It's Oh So Quiet)-esque [love my neologisms?] "Extraordinary Machine", and the equally Bjork-esque [Bjork-ish?] "Better Version of Me".

Mirror 2
Tell Sony to Free Fiona

DJMonsterMo | 7:04 PM |
