R.I.P. Link Wray

R.I.P. Link Wray.
Sample some of his music here. [via donewaiting]
I suppose I'm late with this sad news of his passing. How influential and respected was he? From the official site:
Link Wray is known for being the first musician to experiment with the sounds that pioneered rock and roll and punk styles. Link virtually invented fuzz tone by deliberately punching holes in his amplifier speakers. He was also a true pioneer of the use of distortion on instrumental rock recordings....
Link was a musician’s musician:
Elvis Presley invited him home in the 50s.
Bowie, Dylan, Van Zandt and Springsteen attended Link's concerts since their early youth.
John Lennon carried Link's music on his travel jukebox.
Jerry Garcia played on Link's record in the 70s.
Pete Townsend wrote liner notes.