Between Thought and Expression

An eclectic guide to life's musical journey.

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Diddy - Everything I Love (remix)(MP3), The Boggs - Arm in Arm (Hot Chip remix)(MP3), more

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DJMonsterMo | 9:22 PM | 2 Comments

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

New Architecture in Helsinki remix (MP3), Fujiya & Miyagi (MP3), R.I.P. Robert Altman, more

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DJMonsterMo | 3:20 PM | 1 Comment

Friday, November 17, 2006

New Clipse (MP3s), Amy Winehouse (video), Questionable Christmas toys

  • clipse dirty money mp3 music download Clipse - Dirty Money
    clipse nightmares mp3 music download Clipse - Nightmares
    Proof positive that having the Neptunes help out on the production side is still a good thing. I can't wait to get my hands on the Clipse album. If the rest of the album holds up, it may beat out Ghostface, Dilla, and Hov for hip-hop album of the year. Still waiting on Nas to show me something too. Courtesy of Spine.

  • amy winehouse music video Amy Winehouse - Rehab
    This song has livened up the recent musical boredom I've suffered. Too bad she looks drugged out in the video. I'm not liking the eyeliner either.

  • What not to get your kid for Christmas
    Not quite as gross as video Hasbro's Oozinator

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DJMonsterMo | 7:19 PM | 0 Comments

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Gwen Stefani - Wind It Up (video), "Secret" Zune Release Parties, Office Space Mash-up Trailer, more

  • gwen stefani wind it up video Gwen Stefani - Wind It Up (video)
    Although this song makes me cringe, I am actually digging this video.

  • "Secret" Zune Release Parties on 11/13/06. All shows are free!

    • CHICAGO: Lupe Fiasco (4:45pm)
      Lupe Fiasco will be playing @ 401 Michigan Ave.

    • NEW YORK: Queens Of The Stone Age (9pm)
      Tickets can be picked up @ Circuit City in Union Square TODAY starting @ 7pm EST on a first come first serve basis. Tickets come in pairs and you must be 21 or over.
      Check BV on Monday morning to find out the venue location.

    • LOS ANGELES: Red Hot Chili Peppers (8pm)
      Tickets can be picked up @ Circuit City (4400 Sunset Blvd) TODAY starting @ 7pm on a first come first serve basis. Tickets come in pairs and you must be 21 or over.
      Check on Monday morning to find out the venue location.

    • ATLANTA: T.I. (3:30pm)
      Check's Atlanta Blog @ 8am Monday morning to find out the venue location.

    • MIAMI: Morgan Heritage Band & Richie Spice (approximately 5:30pm)
      Check @ 8am on Monday morning to find out the venue location.

    • SEATTLE: The Secret Machines (11:50am)
      The Secret Machines will be playing @ West Lake Plaza.

  • office space trailer thriller video mash-up mashup "Office Space" Trailer Recut as a Thriller
    A nice piece of editing in this mash-up.

  • robot chicken calvin and hobbes video Robot Chicken - Calvin and Hobbes
    Quite disturbing. As a huge fan of the comic, I find it offensively humorous.

  • lismore mp3 free music downloads Lismore - Far Off and Away
  • lismore mp3 free music downloads Lismore - 1979
    Lismore isn't a straightforward indie pop band. The vocals have a hypnotic cadence, while the electronic and shoegaze elements contribute to the sonic equivalent of a strange dream. The Smashing Pumpkins cover is a bit awkward and soporific, but it does pick up towards the end.

  • 65daysofstatic mp3 free music downloads 65daysofstatic - Drove Through Ghosts To Get Here
    Starts out as a spooky soundtrack fit for a David Lynch film, then whips itself into a cacophonous Aphex Twin-esque frenzy. Can't say I love the jarring and somewhat coda.

  • 65daysofstatic mp3 free music downloads 65daysofstatic - Welcome to the Times
    Not quite as focused or daring, but worth a listen.

  • Beyonce and Eva Longoria in Sofia Coppola's next film?
    They are slated to be involved in "Tipping the Velvet", an adaptation of a Sarah Waters novel about lesbian transvestitism in Victorian England.

  • Greyhound Poops On Ohio Family

  • RIP: Jack Palance | Gerald Levert | Ed Bradley

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DJMonsterMo | 12:00 AM | 1 Comment

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Marit Bergman - My Love (MP3), Carola & Marit Bergman - Waterloo (video), CSS - Alala (MP3)

    marit bergman my love mp3 music download

  • marit bergman my love mp3 music download Marit Bergman - My Love (MP3)
    Hm, she looks a little bit like Alanis up there. Marit does this rather lovely cover of Justin Timberlake's 'My Love'. I much prefer Marit's elegiac ballad to Justin and T.I.'s very overproduced version. I have Disco Belle to thank for this one.

  • carola marit bergman music video Carola & Marit Bergman - Waterloo (video)
    Ok, Scandinavian pop stars have been flying under the radar too long. I'm sorry, I'm fairly ignorant of Carola Häggkvist, but she is apparently big in Sweden. I hope by now you're familar with Marit Bergman, who's temporarily filled my Robyn and Jenny Wilson void. She has a very busy looking website. Carola & Marit are together on this awards show doing an Abba cover.

  • css alala mp3 music download CSS - Alala (MP3)
    I have no idea what this song is about, but it sounds like they're having a lot of fun with it. It's like Le Tigre, the B-52's, and Ratatat in a blender.

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DJMonsterMo | 4:24 PM | 2 Comments