Scariest Movie Scenes
Happy Halloween!Warning: Do not watch any of these clips if you don't want to ruin the scene or if you don't have a pair of clean underwear handy. Note: these are the scariest movie scenes, not the scariest movies. Also, there is not much gore in this list because gore is not scary. It's the build-up and release of tension that is scary. Hitchcock was the master of this. It's too bad that modern horror has lost the formula.


I nearly had a heart attack when I first saw this. The YouTube clip is rather low quality. I suggest that you watch the original and have a change of drawers nearby. It's perfectly paced. David Lynch tells you exactly what is coming, but it's still the scariest scene ever.


This is kinda cheating since Twin Peaks is a TV miniseries. Still, Bob is the scariest villain ever put on screen. This scene, where Ronette wakes up from her coma to a horrific hypnogogic hallucination/nightmare, slightly edges the Maddy scene, the final 10 minutes of season 2, and the scene with Laura and Ronette in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, but all four scenes are terrifying.


It's your worst nightmare materialized on-screen.


Turn the speakers up loud. And have a defibrillator nearby. Classic and stylish jump scare scene.


"Come and play with us. Come and play with us, Danny. Forever... and ever... and ever." Scarier still is Danny talking to "Tony".


If you are scared of clowns, do not watch this.


This is probably not as scary as it was in 1960, but it is so meticulously crafted by Hitchcock that I had to include it in the top 10. It is the standard by which all other scary scenes are judged.


The first time you watch this film, and even afterward, the end will get you.

More clown bashing, sorry. Check underneath the bed. No, nothing there...

This is a really creepy scene that will give you nightmares. Any time there is a storm and something scratching at the window...
Honorable mentions:
Eye Scenes
There's something about eyes...

Probably not as scary these days because it's been parodied to death, most famously in

Not a horror film, but this infamous scene deserves a spot on this list.

The ending is much better if you understand the context of the protagonist searching for his daughter in the red coat.
The Evil Dead - Tree Scene
The infamous tree scene is still shocking today. No clip available. Sorry.

This scene captures the essence of a nightmare quite well and is a nice contrast to the shock value of the rest of the film. The death face is pretty creepy too. Runner-up:

Food for thought. Or thought for food.
Irreversible - You Know The Scene
Controversial and chilling. No clip available. Sorry.

I don't find Freddy to be scary. But the phone scene is quite creepy.

Quite a scary and realistic scene. It must have been really shocking in 1976.

It's amazing they got away with filming these scenes.

Probably the most effective anti-drug education you can get is watching this film and the depressing ending. Brilliant montage by Aronofsky.

The Japanese version is scarier than the remake, but the scene is not that scary out of context.

Se7en is more creepy than scary, but the jump scare in the sloth scene may require a change of undergarments.
The Sixth Sense - Kyra's poisoning
No clip available. Sorry.

Actually, the last 15 minutes of this are some of the best in horror.

I cannot believe that this was a made-for-TV movie. This is ten times scarier than Chucky, but also kinda funny as well. You can watch the entire mini-movie on Youtube.

Not a horror movie, but a highly effective dream sequence from the Swedish auteur.
Have other suggestions? Post your recommendations!