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Sunday, February 20, 2005

New Iron & Wine

Iron & Wine release the excellent Woman King EP on Tuesday, February 22. Like their critically-acclaimed second LP 'Our Endless Numbered Days', 'Woman King' features folksy vocals reminiscent of Simon and Garfunkel, slide guitar, banjo, varied string accompaniment, and subtle percussion. Sam Beam's vocals are striking and appear to be comfortable with the studio polish (thankfully, he didn't suffer the Liz Phair sophomore slump). 'Woman King' is thoughtful and subtle, yet emotionally affecting, with melodies as inspired and lyrics as contemplative as those on 'Our Endless Numbered Days'.

Iron and Wine - In My Lady's House
This track, along with the the EP track 'Jezebel', is one of the most beautiful songs I've heard this year.

Iron and Wine - Woman King

DJMonsterMo | 12:09 PM |
